Thoughts from a First Call Pastor

Here I will share some thoughts as I begin my career at Christ Lutheran in Byron, MN. Since I'm done with seminary I'm hoping there are a few ideas left rolling around in my head worth sharing. So here it is, some of the things that I think I think...

Monday, May 24, 2004

Zest (x2)

So I've had a couple of people express to me outside of this "blog" some concern about my posting entitled, "Sabotage." Let me just say it was not as negative as one could have read into it. You see it was more a matter of sharing too much all at once with a friend, quite early in the friendship I might add, as a part of my zest and excitement for the friendship. Too much too soon is not always a good thing. It can put too much on a relationship thus breaking the bond of trust that was being built. I know that, but I don't always follow that advice. I call it sabotage because I know that it is most likely going to put too much pressure on the relationship, that it's going to put too much on the other and could destroy it yet I can point the finger at the other...or at the very least some place other than me. I need to curb some of that activity, but for the particular situation I had in mind while writing the other day...I'm confident it's all going to work out.

Since I brought up the word zest earlier, I am also reminded of a recent observation. Not so long ago on a shopping spree I realized I needed to buy soap. In a quest to be cheap I ended up purchasing Zest soap. Not such a bad thing, except for the stupid marketing geniuses of a few years back. It turns out that I am currently incapable of taking a shower or washing my hands now without singing, "Zest-fully clean. Your not fully clean unless your Zest-fully clean!" Stupid commercials! I wonder what kind of effect we could have if we got a catching jingle like that as an act of evangelism? Might it have the same effect of drawing you in initially and eventually driving you away? Hmmm....


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