Thoughts from a First Call Pastor

Here I will share some thoughts as I begin my career at Christ Lutheran in Byron, MN. Since I'm done with seminary I'm hoping there are a few ideas left rolling around in my head worth sharing. So here it is, some of the things that I think I think...

Thursday, May 27, 2004

And We're Off...

So here's the deal I'm leaving for Colorado Friday afternoon. I'll stay the night at the Wounded Head Hyatt in Gayeville (sp?), SD. Then off to Gypsum for the summer. So let the adventures begin. Okay, so I'm a little unclear where I'll be staying all summer, where I'll be employed, and what my contact information will be but I'm off for adventure. Sure it scares me to death not knowing this stuff, but I guess I've got no choice now. Here we go... Why does this not knowing drive me so insane? How do I get the job of God? If I'm all knowing maybe there will be more comfort... no wait, that will mean more responsibility and stuff to do and frankly I just want to win the lottery and retire. I guess some people are just never happy. So I must hit the road! The next time I post I will be either be in Colorado or dead, and frankly I'm pulling for the whole Colorado thing... Oh yeah, and Troy, if you read this don't forget to e-mail me that contact information I need... For those who are staying behind in Minnesota I will miss you. It might seem like it, and I may not say it in person, but I really will... except maybe those I've seen too much this past week and I think you know who you are. :-)


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