Thoughts from a First Call Pastor

Here I will share some thoughts as I begin my career at Christ Lutheran in Byron, MN. Since I'm done with seminary I'm hoping there are a few ideas left rolling around in my head worth sharing. So here it is, some of the things that I think I think...

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Getting Better

This morning as I went out for my run I felt slow and sluggish. Somehow, as the miles meandered on I started to feel better and run smoother. As I recognized this I also noticed that the same thing happened on my run Thursday. In fact, it's something that really isn't all that uncommon.

Often times I've found that running situations are analogous to life, to faith. Why else would Paul bring it up more than once in his writings? So I wonder if we can experience the same thing in other areas of life. For example it can be hard to forgive somebody, but does it get easier to forgive them as you get into the process of forgiving? To confess your sins, does it start slow but then perhaps grow more fluid? To love somebody might be difficult at times, but if you stick with them do find yourself loving them more because you've gone through the struggle and now it more naturally flows from you? I would like to think it's true in these other areas as well. Perhaps we should all give it a try.


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