Thoughts from a First Call Pastor

Here I will share some thoughts as I begin my career at Christ Lutheran in Byron, MN. Since I'm done with seminary I'm hoping there are a few ideas left rolling around in my head worth sharing. So here it is, some of the things that I think I think...

Monday, July 19, 2004

A Tug

I clearly felt a tug at my heart strings as I was going through the Nome Nugget and came across the following letter in the "Opinion" section of the paper.  I share it here for your reading as well...
"Dear Editor,

This letter is for some of my family members (you will know who this concerns after you’ve read this). I don’t know how else to get to you, to make you understand that I need each and everyone of you in my life right now. What I don’t need is any of you making false accusations about me, or kicking me and my kids out of your homes (after inviting us to stay). I don’t need any added stress in my life.

This past year has been very hard for me. I’m trying my hardest to live each and every day. What I need is love and understanding from all of you. Not once has any of you asked how I really feel. I’m scared. This is why I really need everyone in my life. You all stood by my side when I was trying to sober up (I’ve been alcohol-free for four years now). I don’t think this medical condition is any different.

Please, please don’t hate me. What have I done to you that put me on the spot? If I ever needed any of you, now is the time. I’m sorry if I did anything to deserve this treatment I’m getting right now. Just be here for me. Help me to get through this cancer that I had. Help me to live life to the fullest. With all of you, I know that we can get through this. What happened to “family values” that our mom and dad taught us?"


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