Sunday Review
Well, I survived my first Sunday. Thankfully this is a low key, kind of casual sort of congregation. First of all because the bulletin went to the printers before we got the songs for the week it turned out we had Christmas carols listed as our hymns and I forgot to put in that there was a sermon. Oh, but they got a sermon any way. The children's message just didn't really make a whole lot of sense. How do you explain the trinity any way? I thought I had a good plan with colored water, but it fell flat. Sometimes I guess you just don't know until you try it in front of people Such was the case today. The sermon was okay, I think I missed the mark a little bit. Part of the challenge is coming in and trying to read the congregation before really knowing them. I was also a bit nervous so it became a bit rambling. Next week should be better... On the up side I had my first person ask if I am in the pool of candidates for the call committee to look at... It should prove to be an interesting summer... Now that Sunday festivities are done I do believe it is time to nap.
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