Thoughts from a First Call Pastor

Here I will share some thoughts as I begin my career at Christ Lutheran in Byron, MN. Since I'm done with seminary I'm hoping there are a few ideas left rolling around in my head worth sharing. So here it is, some of the things that I think I think...

Monday, June 28, 2004

What If...

I just heard the song by Joe Nichols, "If Nobody Cared" or something like that. It had three verses. The first verse was about a young boy who struck out and his dad yelled at him and felt like nobody cared. The second verse spoke of an old man whose son told him he couldn't drive any more and so it felt like nobody cared. The chorus spoke about what if nobody cared? Wouldn't you give up too? The third verse was about taking God out of the schools, of the pledge of allegiance. Then asked what if God gave up because nobody cared, nobody believed in Him. It fit well with the other verses and choruses.

In some ways it reminded me of the Lost and Found song, "Baby". That song lays out three verses, one of a punk kid, a second of a lonely single guy, and the third verse of an anorexic girl. All three in the song don't feel loved because nobody calls them "baby". Lost and Found then adds a new chorus at the end that says, "Somebody loves those babies, somebody loves what we can't see. If somebody told them, maybe those babies would be free." They may not feel loved by others in this world, but God loves them. What if Joe Nichols went in that direction? What if he added a final verse or chorus that said that perhaps it feels as if nobody here cares for them, but God does. God will never give up. How much more powerful would an already powerful song become? How might our life change if we felt that love, that caring in our lives? God does love and care for you no matter what....

...that reminds me one of my favorite songs continues to be (and I don't know the official title or singer, but I love the words) something like "What if Jesus Came Back Like That?" perhaps the country companion to "What if God Was One of Us?"...of course those are rather pointless afterthoughts...bye...


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